My Dunni ❤️
You are one lady I'm evidently proud to have met in this journey called ‘life.’ You know, I want this letter to be as real as real can be; writing and pouring straight from my heart of hearts. Buckle your seat belt, you are in for a great ride.😉
As per you are now a very big girl, I will write 6 things that are so dreamy and beautiful about you; things that form the confluence of the person called, Dunni.😌
1. Your Heart
I'm trying to check my brain box to see if I have a quote about the biggest of hearts stored there but I don't. So here I go! I've experienced friendships and I've come to the conclusion that, “the people with the biggest of hearts know how to love better; they take a close look at your heart and do things that make your heart beat faster.” You are that person that I think sees into my heart and acts on the melody you hear beating there. The people with the biggest of hearts are those that care to know what goes on in another's heart, and you, Dunni, are definitely that person with a big heart.
2. Your Transparency Coated in Love
I used to call you my little mom because more than anyone, you've spoken or written to me about the things I need to do or get better at. You are not one to see me treading on the wrong path and leave me be, you are that person who screams at the top of your voice until I take heed and turn to the right path. Thank you for writing those letters to me in secondary school, thank you for being my parent after we received our report cards; those not so little but hard pep talks made me buckle up and give it my all.
One of the reasons why I love my Oga (my unit leader in church) is because I see you in her. She seems strict but she's not, she's just someone who disciplines in love and I definitely see that part of you in her. Thank you for those moments of hard talks that were still an influence of your love.
3. Your Tenacity
My superwoman 🤭
My beautiful warrior 🌹
Thank you for not seeing giving up as an option. You give your all to everything you set your mind to, bringing your A game to the table. It shows in your dampened spirit when sometimes your genotype puts restrictions on the things you can do. And that's why you are a warrior, a warrior doesn't back off from a fight, they fight to victory, never giving up. I've seen you show tenacity in every aspect of your life and I would love to say that I'm so proud of you. Pel's Disability on Instagram said something recently about living above your disability, something in that line. She said to not allow your disability to limit you, sometimes throw caution to the wind, live a little, smile a lot, dance if you want, play hard if you want. Just live! And she added to not do pass one's power sha.😂 But you get the point...
4. Your Creativity
Gosh!🥺🔥✨ I'm in awe.
I love how creativity made your mind a home; inhabiting it beautifully. I'm not so surprised, my friends and I are so in sync with creativity. Plenty ororo dey flow on our head.🤩 Yes, I'm boasting.🤭😂
When I saw the inscription on the tote Ife made for you (gorgeous gorgeous girls Love BOOKS), I screamed in my mind - I'm so in love with the mind of Dunni.❤️ And let's not forget writing, you are goated.🙌 Agba writer, the world better be ready for you. My chef!🔥 How you infuse creativity into how you cook sef dey burst my bubble. Only you!🙌
Come and share small out of your creative flow with me.😩

5. Our Love (Friendship)
I would have loved it if you could open my heart to see the depth of my love for you. Dunni, there are loves and there is our love. It's a love that is not infused in daily talks but still remains, ever vibrant and shining. With you, I can be on a call for more than an hour and not be tired, you make it very easy to open my heart to you. It is just so very easy to spill so much to you, knowing fully that you have my back and I can count on you. Thank you for getting angry on my behalf because of a particular person.😌😂 Thank you for always listening to my plenty talks. Thank you for being my safe space and for trusting yourself with me as well.
6. YOU, Dunni!
What's not to love about you, Dunni?
Is it the way your cheeks crease when you let out that beautiful smile, the amazing melody that your laughter makes, the beautiful woman you are (damn! you are so gorgeous.) Abba made you perfectly, nothing missing. Everything that I've mentioned above and that I've not mentioned are what make you into the beautiful you, Dunni.🌹 A blossoming rose that won't wither. For you, Dunni, my heart sings a melody of love unbreakable!❤️
Just because I know you miss my poems, here is one specially pieced together for you.🤗 Enjoy!
On the day Dunni was born
Screams of joy erupted from the lungs of your loved ones
A great and perfect gift just fell into their arms
One adorned with diverse possibilities and abilities
No! She’s not another Chef T or Ibquake
She’s Bello Aminat Oladunni
The very best of her kind
She’s not a golden goose that can be exhausted
She’s the gold herself
A dazzling star, a shining light
She’s that lady ready to ink her name into the sands of time
To make a firm imprint in the minds of men
She’s not building a castle in the air
This lady is on her way to becoming the reality of her dreams
And on this journey, I promise there will be Miracle as your biggest cheerleader
On days when fear tries to choke you, I will be here to alleviate your fears
My Dunni, you are this woman and more
And this year, marks yet another year lived fearlessly
For me, it’s not a new beginning, it’s a continuation
Every second of our lives is a gift
This year again, I want you to make every second count
To love and be loved
To dream and become
To live and laugh
To twirl and dance
To be the full you, Dunni.
Happy birthday, my Dunni.🥳🎉❤️
I will rephrase what Yinka Seth said about friendship, “your friends will be one of the greatest romances in your life.”
Dunni, you are one of the greatest romances in my life.🌹
I love you so much.❤️
Distance can be a freaking bastard; on days like these, I want to wrap you in a warm embrace.🫂