On birthdays and reflections
Anyone who saw the topic would think I'm celebrating my birthday. My reflection came spontaneously, it pushed me to reminisce about all that has happened since my birthday this year January.
My friend(Ife) is one person I trust to always call me on my birthdays to pray and prophesy over me. Who wouldn’t be excited to receive God’s word and get confirmation of things spoken of you? This time around, God used her to further give illumination on the word He gave me at the beginning of this year. It was like a brighter light was shone just because of her further explanation. Surround yourself with a community of believers, the importance cannot be overemphasized.
On Reflections.
I was listening to songs on my phone some days ago and after a song finished playing, I just heard me and my friend’s voice playing from the phone. With a smile painted on my face, I listened to our conversation on my birthday. While listening to her, the pieces of everything my Abba told me this year started coming together. I could look back and see the reason I was instructed and also smile because I obeyed.
God is not an unjust God; He is a faithful Father. Even though His instructions might sometimes not make sense to you, please, do well to obey. Obedience is the bedrock of walking in alignment with the will of the Father.
Going back to my reflection, everything makes absolute sense now but while I was busy obeying, it didn’t really make sense. This year, I’ve been through different phases of turbulence: one characterized by fear, loss, tears, hurts, mental and physical pain, friendship breakup, emotional distress and the list continues. But in all this, I kept the posture of gratitude, because He asked me to do so. I sometimes laugh at myself because tell me why I’m saying ‘thank you, Jesus,’ after I just heard bad news that sent palpitations straight to my heart, news that will bend your knees not in prayer but in sorrow and devastation. I’ve found myself crying and still muttering ‘Thank you, Jesus.’ It’s been a whole ride, but I’m grateful.
The posture of gratitude kept me sane and made me see my Father and the goodness I have in Him. This posture opened me up to setting my gaze on the giver of life and the one who owns me by the right of creation. And if anything, He kept giving me His word to hold on to. Even when my faith was shaking and at the edge of collapsing, His word came to build my faith up again. In hindsight, I can say, “See how far you've brought me, Lord, I've come to worship you.”

The truth is walking this journey won't be a bed of roses or filled with honey. However, the reality to hold on to is that Abba is in this boat with me, therefore, this boat I'm on cannot sink. He owns me and made me, therefore even if the situation and circumstances around me are singing a different tone, my father will keep holding me up. In His hands, I am safe. He catches me safely than Stanley Nwabili catches the ball.
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